“Startup” is a term that has become common in the business world. This concept was borrowed from American English, where it came into use in the 1970s. At that time, it referred to a business that was just beginning its operations, and there were quite a few such projects.
Unfortunately, in our time, successful startups as defined by those standards are a thing of the past; they are failing. Most often, these are businesses traditionally associated with the service and retail sectors: specialty stores, rental and repair shops, laundries, gas stations, taxis, and freight transportation. For various reasons, these businesses now struggle to provide their owners with even minimal profit. Want to know why this is happening? Read the article about modern ways to earn money in the USA on the website
Change of Meaning
In the 2000s, the concept changed its meaning, and now a startup refers not so much to a new business but to the launch of new technologies. Thus, when reading, hearing, or applying this concept to your situation, it is essential to remember that it refers to the introduction and use of new technologies in various fields. It is these startups, developing breakthrough technologies, that lay the foundation for future movement forward, development, and progress.
Now, companies that focus on implementing innovations, regardless of their nature, enjoy great success. This creates a demand for previously unknown services and technologies, teams that operate under completely different rules and laws, angel investors, business accelerators, marketing, PR, and advertising companies, and other infrastructural elements. The combination of all these new-type businesses allows for attracting funds, consumer attention, gaining promotion, and taking a worthy place in the market of goods and services. It’s no surprise that it is these businesses, these companies that are in the highest demand. Moreover, clients are willing to pay for such technologies and services.
You may ask, where can all this be found in the USA? The answer is: in Silicon Valley, that very valley located between the cities of San Jose and San Francisco. Here is the center of the venture industry, which spreads its attention, care, and services across the globe. It is here that it is easiest to find reliable investors, teachers, and mentors who will make your startup successful and the path to million-dollar profits simpler and more error-free.
New Business and New Technologies: What Are They?
If you still think that new technologies are something fabricated, unnecessary, you are mistaken; today, technologies are the new oil, in terms of profit potential. If you want to know, over the past 20 years, money earned from new technologies has exceeded the total income from all oil-related businesses earned over the previous one hundred years. In the USA, so-called “new money” has long replaced “old money.”
For example, just compare New York in 1900, when horse-drawn carriages rushed up and down Fifth Avenue (left photo), and among them, a car looked like a curiosity. Here is another photo (right). The same Fifth Avenue in New York, but in 1913. As you can see, among the flow of cars, it was hard to find a horse-drawn carriage. Only thirteen years had passed, yet technological progress based on new technologies completely changed the world and the way people moved.
This example, although illustrative, is already outdated because so much has appeared over the past century that it is astonishing how quickly the world of things, services, and our place within it is changing.
Computers. Back in the early 80s, few knew what personal computers looked like, but now they are in every home, not to mention organizations and enterprises, where they have become almost the primary tool of production.
Mobile gadgets. In the early 90s, huge phones in hand looked like a curiosity and were effectively a luxury item due to the high cost of the phone and mobile services. Fifteen years later, it was hard to find an adult without a mobile phone, and now these gadgets have expanded their functions, becoming essentially mini-computers, cameras, televisions, players, and much more thanks to constantly developed new software applications.
Internet. Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, and other messengers and online communication tools allow not only real-time communication with the entire world but also the ability to pay for purchases, exchange videos, photos, music, documents, and have a multitude of other functions.
Unique medical devices and apparatus allow for performing the most complex studies and operations for which there was previously no alternative other than lengthy and painful interventions.
The list of such innovations can go on indefinitely: all of them, upon entering any sphere, gradually conquer the world, providing a significant number of jobs and yielding enormous profits. Startups in such fields are destined for success if the promotion is entrusted to specialists, which is why there is no sense in spending time and money on opening traditional businesses.
Finding Your Business
Where can you find your niche? We suggest: in servicing large companies that have hundreds or thousands of employees, earning and producing goods and services worth millions and billions of dollars. These are the ones you should focus on, as this approach guarantees solvent clients, stable income, and well-paid efforts on your part.
Wondering where to find yourself? Anywhere: engage in supplying consumables, components, software, provide cleaning, catering, delivery, security services, etc. If your business is based on developing and implementing new technologies, rest assured that with our help, you can attract the attention of large companies that can either buy your business or become investors in it.
For comparison: traditional businesses can earn no more than 20% per year from their turnover, while being forced to operate under conditions of fierce competition. At the same time, technology companies can earn several times more – 80% to 100% per year and more, with minimal competition.
What is important to remember when choosing a field of activity
The key is to be able to foresee the direction in which society will move.
For instance, it has long been no secret that molecular physics, robotics, artificial intelligence, energy, nano- and biotechnology will attract the greatest interest now and in the next three decades. Such technological innovations create a revolution in the economy, consciousness, and society that is akin to previous innovations in the form of the wheel, electricity, steam engines, oil, airplanes, telephones, television, computers, and the internet.
Since comparisons are inevitable, considering the role that information plays in the modern world, one can boldly assert that data will be the new oil, promising fabulous profits to those who collect, process, store, distribute, and manage it.
By predicting subsequent intensive growth in these areas, one should choose a startup that will be launched in any of the aforementioned directions. All these technological fields are the most reliable and promising in terms of launching startups.
Artificial intelligence is another area that is incredibly in demand both in production processes, management systems, medicine, and many other fields. It is no longer surprising to find that when accessing the global network, artificial intelligence already knows a great deal about our dreams, desires, interests, weaknesses, preferences, and tries to meet your needs and solve your problems as much as possible.
Internet technologies. Surely, there are no people left in the civilized world who have not been in some way involved with this kind of innovation: from communication and games to conducting operations, voting, learning, and managing at various levels. The level of engagement with internet technologies is only increasing in terms of volume and level, and the time is not far off when goods will not need to be purchased and awaited for delivery, but rather it will be sufficient to download a model of your preferred shoes and produce them immediately on a 3D printer.
Interested in where else to expect technological breakthroughs? They are everywhere! Think about medicine, where all information about the sick and healthy is now digitized, where unique methods are used to grow new organs according to technical specifications and the client's genome. Scientists have even conducted experiments not only on growing bones, blood vessels, and individual organs but have also addressed the problem of growing brains. Currently, they are experimenting on the brains of fruit flies. Why is all this necessary? To avoid or alleviate the progression of such terrible diseases as cerebral palsy, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc.
The idea of transmitting electricity through the air seemed like an absolute utopia not long ago. And today, wireless charging of phones has become the norm, and recently the first company in California received the right to use wireless systems for transmitting electricity both in homes and on the street. The era of numerous wires and sockets in homes and offices is coming to an end. Just as the era of landline phones, phone sockets, and wires... These systems are to be installed in tens of millions of homes. Quite a good business for many.
And the idea of a smart home in general. It is a fantasy that has become a reality. You can control the functions of engineering systems, devices, and appliances from a distance, planning the time for turning on and off various electrical devices. Isn't that a miracle?! It just needs to be made more affordable and accessible to the population.
The future is with technologies
In fact, all the technologies described are already present in one form or another in your home, at your enterprise, in schools, hospitals – everywhere. Now the question is about coverage, adaptability, flexibility, and accessibility.
Yes, about cost! In conditions of ideal capitalism, the cost of goods and services will be minimal, as intermediaries, two-level distribution, scammers, and those who counterfeit products will disappear, forcing us to overpay and pay for substandard goods. Computer technologies, the internet, and artificial intelligence will have the greatest impact on the movement in this direction.
And that’s not all: a clear trend towards increasing the value of intellectual rather than material property is evident, so it is quite likely that creative professionals, inventors, software developers, along with the states that own such property, will earn much more from innovations and works of art than from producing goods.
Against the backdrop of the growing significance of innovative technologies, of course, there will be losers. These will be those whose labor can be replaced by machines and robots. Only those who think strategically, who clearly calculate tactical moves, who work proactively, and, of course, those who focus on computerization, and those whose labor cannot be replaced by automatic devices will win.
There is no doubt about the success of those who will begin to convert information into "digital." And this is not just about works of art and literature but mostly about services and various data: just look at how this has been done by aggregator websites that offer a multitude of similar services. And now, it is not difficult to choose what the consumer likes without direct participation in this choice from a human intermediary. Intermediaries remain behind the screens of smartphones and computers: they are programmers and those who collect, analyze, and structure all available information.
Even with great desire, it is impossible to fit an overview of what awaits us in the future due to the implementation of existing technologies and those yet to be invented and tested into the framework of this article. However, the overall direction of movement is completely clear and definite, so the future indeed belongs to such technological startups.
Several facts indicate that startups should be launched on the territory of the USA: here investors closely monitor such businesses, angel investors are ready to invest, there are many venture companies, and crowdfunding works well. In general, it is much easier to enter the market and attract attention, using consultations, services from mentors, lawyers, experienced PR specialists, and marketers in the USA.
Our company's activities are aimed at providing a full range of services to entrepreneurs with such innovative solutions and technological innovations. We are ready to walk the entire startup path with you, from analyzing potential to launching your product into the market.